
Thứ hạngRiot ID (Khu vực)Điểm thông thạo
1stViego Attack #VIP (LAS)4302075
2ndxaskito1000 #EUW (EUW)4147782
3rdme underperform #FURRY (EUW)3818498
4thReset #95000 (EUW)3541729
5thBARTOUSCK #br1 (BR)3525442
6thKaneki #Viego (BR)3258027
7thVíégó #Jhoel (LAS)3248239
8thSanctity #Viego (NA)3079246
9thBetowShadows #LAN (LAN)2996869
10thSpyspace #VIEGO (NA)2973828
11thSøul Reaver #LAN (LAN)2973339
12thEydgie #5739 (EUW)2839906
13thlesinultrainstin #EUW (EUW)2832184
14thbomaychaphet #12345 (VN)2817704
15thRed #Opti (EUW)2793100
16thBenJackEnOff #3291 (NA)2749177
17thTonyRaven #EUW (EUW)2667667
18thRED GAIAKU #5402 (JP)2629044
19thShatteredShadowS #RosS (RU)2530454
20thViego OTP #EUNE (EUNE)2457756
21stlSlash #EUW (EUW)2362349
22ndIsmoGatsu #VIEGO (EUW)2354477
23rdyoungpoe #NA1 (NA)2343917
24thShnarfey #20990 (NA)2307091
25thMTH Benjijou #AQT (EUW)2248831
26thk0rpis0turi #EUW (EUW)2173950
27thZubac #VIEGO (EUW)2161138
28thĐragø #667 (EUW)2154675
29thNEED HER #KR1 (KR)2147515
30ththerok #666 (EUNE)2142471
31stRGA Shemy #EUW (EUW)2138517
32ndAntic Magics #BTW (EUW)2134159
33rdKwakes #NA1 (NA)2132279
34thExoll #EUW (EUW)2118607
35thRene939 #EUW (EUW)2072945
36thZoeStaryu #EUW (EUW)2054959
37thDWG Canyon #Lovin (PH)2038413
38thJakicaa #MORI (EUW)2029359
39thTermitadaYT #1994 (BR)2014713
40thKing Hotate #NA1 (NA)2013120
41stViegos ruination #NA1 (NA)2009807
42nd0nlyfansViEGO #LAS (LAS)2006243
43rdShade of ruin #King (EUNE)1978041
44th2025년7월1일 #ROKA (KR)1958748
45thJeDropR #2701 (EUW)1947252
46thDrop0ut #EUW (EUW)1907004
47thChimchu #VIEGO (NA)1885550
48thPassiva Patética #Jessi (BR)1870825
49thMaidenless #4816 (NA)1858399
50thBlade of Camavor #LAN (LAN)1852681