
級別Riot ID (地區)得分
1stsohlui2 #4810 (SG)9621702
2ndIrelia My Soul #EUW (EUW)7110391
3rdDiversij4 #LTU (EUW)7107598
4th뚝섬역살아요 #KR1 (KR)6771164
5thslx81 #NA1 (NA)6546271
6thRohanski #LUNA (NA)6288393
7thdkbadd #NA1 (NA)5984675
8th凱瑞莉雅CarryU #TW2 (TW)5879171
9thWalker iLi #TW2 (TW)5680440
10thWalker iLi #TW2 (NA)5324625
11th愛歐尼亞的救贖 #TW2 (TW)5220767
12th태화1 #KR1 (KR)5156001
13thSailor Tales #Ionia (BR)5077870
14thsanchezisfine #00000 (NA)4936128
15thTheEggMen #NA1 (NA)4908458
16th乂波斯喵乂 #1409 (TW)4756155
17thNotCubeVilly #EUW (EUW)4638581
18thAtomicAtomz #NA1 (NA)4613572
19thAweak #EUW (EUW)4512468
20thgermaniec7 #EUNE (EUNE)4511222
21st나한테개기지마라 #KR1 (KR)4486772
22nd빌 루 #KR1 (KR)4308980
23rdMy Fair Lady #LAN (LAN)4282341
24thbakuen3 #JP1 (JP)4129911
25thXaNNy0 #1337 (EUW)4088960
26thShaoran08 #EUW (EUW)4066501
27thbillyand the 2nd #NA1 (NA)3958688
28thعبودي #عبودي (EUW)3951401
29thAzreul #NA1 (NA)3844487
30thTwice I Ferolyy #TWICE (EUW)3818239
31st可否給我睡伊瑞 #ir2 (TW)3796685
32ndMasta Irelia #NA1 (NA)3765589
33rdThat Fightclub #EUW (EUW)3754962
34thpeah #182 (BR)3745471
35th봇은 맨날 지냐 #KR1 (KR)3737156
36th이렐리용 #KR1 (KR)3724904
37thTheJezy #EUW (EUW)3707054
38th코바야시2 #KR1 (KR)3650769
39thEntreterimento #Vinir (BR)3594545
40thDefiant Dancer #LAN (LAN)3495690
41stAbu17 #EUW (EUW)3487601
42ndAlizé #OCE (OCE)3480481
43rddabs of legends #NA1 (NA)3420353
44thC3sar is a dog #BR1 (BR)3410380
45thNayru #cat (BR)3385551
46thxan #lotus (BR)3379549
47thLupita #vier (NA)3376184
48thNO BLADE #ER7 (BR)3352105
49thRoadToRoad #R2R (EUW)3349409
50thC 4 #EUNE (EUNE)3334843