
랭크Riot ID (서버)숙련도 점수
1st豆子君 #Nilah (TW)3739819
2ndOdysseDin #EUW (EUW)2982220
3rd쿨라임맨 #KR1 (KR)2879684
4thFake Carry #NA1 (NA)1934248
5thriver to the sea #KCEUW (EUW)1862755
6thHust Hiếu Trịnh #7979 (VN)1663012
7thMrZsky #alone (TR)1559462
8thFlyingKats #NA1 (NA)1536659
9thSort inversé #EUW (EUW)1516654
10thDomina Luminis #NA1 (NA)1495661
11thIchigo #BNKI (EUW)1470218
12thineedagothgirl #999 (EUW)1448335
13thSmeargle #6661 (NA)1441136
14thApotheosis #ctrl4 (NA)1422589
15thÇamirasAvecNilah #EUW (EUW)1417108
16thThe Joy Boy N #Nilah (EUNE)1406211
17thCáppy #2137 (EUNE)1392896
18th12312312 #Yasuo (EUW)1390587
19thKr43m3r #KEK (EUW)1329415
20thMugetsu Yøne #0312 (EUW)1299027
21stKevinSpelarLOL #EUW (EUW)1295060
22ndGuardian Fima #EUNE (EUNE)1279630
23rdBakivibe #EUW (EUW)1240108
24thR3QU13M #RU1 (RU)1237951
25thSplitPushGod #GOD (EUW)1237060
26thIG Onigiri #EUW (EUW)1233449
27thPAPASHADE #NA1 (NA)1229121
28thkrbomba #babo (KR)1229030
29th총 채 #KR1 (KR)1216967
30thSupDom #UwU (NA)1188293
31stFugudoku #Fugu (EUW)1172750
32ndShazormax #EUW (EUW)1172171
33rdEnrico Arlandini #Mast (EUW)1165083
34thRAR #EUW3 (EUW)1140482
35thHussein #ily (EUNE)1128292
36thFalclore #EUW (EUW)1069105
37thReznov #25511 (EUW)1053283
38th파란늑대 #KR1 (KR)1038706
39thMarshallusKillin #EUW (EUW)1028728
40thEphilitio #EUW (EUW)992050
41stslexall #TR1 (TR)989702
42ndapotheosis #angel (NA)983752
43rdNilahrmstrong #3233 (EUW)956649
44thJØŸ BØŸ #EUW (EUW)939148
45thGrums97 #EUW (EUW)934968
46thJersonDBS90 #NILAH (LAN)931840
47thUCS Artorus #EUNE (EUNE)929427
48thUrNilah #EUW (EUW)893883
49thCocoon #EUWW (EUW)888177
50thJezdoh #5742 (TH)875558