
랭크Riot ID (서버)숙련도 점수
1st豆子君 #Nilah (TW)2941138
2ndOdysseDin #EUW (EUW)2466863
3rd쿨라임맨 #KR1 (KR)2365815
4thFake Carry #NA1 (NA)1794501
5thriver to the sea #KCEUW (EUW)1557989
6thHust Hiếu Trịnh #7979 (VN)1515020
7thMrZsky #alone (TR)1464654
8thThe Joy Boy N #Nilah (EUNE)1406211
9thFlyingKats #NA1 (NA)1372541
10thApotheosis #ctrl4 (NA)1356088
11thDomina Luminis #NA1 (NA)1352824
12thÇamirasAvecNilah #EUW (EUW)1291566
13thIchigo #BNKI (EUW)1259848
14thSort inversé #EUW (EUW)1217162
15thPAPASHADE #NA1 (NA)1181845
16thSmeargle #6661 (NA)1147849
17thR3QU13M #RU1 (RU)1145960
18thkrbomba #babo (KR)1087562
19thFalclore #EUW (EUW)1025923
20thIG Onigiri #EUW (EUW)1023467
21stBakivibe #EUW (EUW)1022792
22nd파란늑대 #KR1 (KR)1018873
23rdineedagothgirl #999 (EUW)991864
24thMarshallusKillin #EUW (EUW)991483
25thSupDom #UwU (NA)988107
26thCáppy #2137 (EUNE)982410
27thEnrico Arlandini #Mast (EUW)955781
28thslexall #TR1 (TR)952170
29thJersonDBS90 #NILAH (LAN)931840
30thUCS Artorus #EUNE (EUNE)929427
31stGrums97 #EUW (EUW)924641
32ndRAR #EUW3 (EUW)919796
33rdGuardian Fima #EUNE (EUNE)919392
34thKr43m3r #KEK (EUW)904916
35thSplitPushGod #GOD (EUW)879894
36thKevinSpelarLOL #EUW (EUW)876581
37thLYN Asta #021 (BR)874094
38th sem alegria #BR1 (BR)858860
39thJezdoh #5742 (TH)855059
41stYato Uchiha #5213 (EUW)823315
42ndLightever #EUW (EUW)822891
43rdjuliel #iF4da (BR)811625
44thGilear #NA1 (NA)809569
45thselfie #dpr (NA)796191
46thQuemac #OSU (NA)790426
47thNeedLulu #EUW (EUW)787754
48thWaterflow #EUNE (EUNE)754349
49thVorpalSoul #ADC (EUW)738307
50thWhip Mommy #Nilah (NA)735186