
RankRiot ID (Region)Mastery points
1sthellwolf77 #TR1 (TR)7908123
2ndBriibri #EUW (EUW)7119775
3rdlonewolf and cub #EUW (EUW)7063449
4thJoao Athos #joCho (BR)6931218
5th讓你愛瘋了 #2533 (TW)6767760
6thすたこ #JP1 (JP)6392370
7th aLdaaaa #EUW (EUW)6301836
8thCrambleThePsyCho #EUW (EUW)6278272
9thDoc Veigar #EUW (EUW)6229299
10thChoGath #GOAT (TW)6168120
11thSupergalaxyC5 #NA1 (NA)5940344
12thdrinameka #EUW (EUW)5850429
13thDr Flow #NA1 (NA)5779541
14thToscolino #BR1 (BR)5606773
15th봄 닭 #KR1 (KR)5522667
16th143THOR143 #EUNE (EUNE)5506310
17th초가스랭킹1위 #KR1 (KR)5394247
18thArCHO90 #EUW (EUW)5342391
19th초 가 스 #KR12 (KR)5148550
20th킹 초 #KR1 (KR)4946915
21stimnotyourbestie #NA1 (NA)4761230
22nd써니오야봉 #KR1 (KR)4663827
23rdVLADIM1R PUT1N #russ (EUNE)4508249
24thParnipus #NA1 (NA)4489468
25thEl uniko Aecio #LAN (LAN)4339513
26thRage35 #EUNE (EUNE)4324665
27th찐가스 #KR1 (KR)4251153
28thBsK BerserK #EUW (EUW)4162245
29thTeddy1492 #NA1 (NA)4086514
30thFairyTaiIMadoshi #EUW (EUW)4051156
31stChynx #NA1 (NA)4008337
32ndkosoku #102 (JP)3990022
33rdSuzuki Satoru #AINZ (EUNE)3918988
34thCho Gath Sama #EUNE (EUNE)3884298
35thFear the Cho #GATH (EUNE)3718951
36th오징어삼치기 #KR1 (KR)3664202
37thWaitingforGodo #NA1 (NA)3632944
38th힐쓰고 때려 #KR1 (KR)3614070
39thhellrapture #NA1 (NA)3541844
40thAbe Deserves Ham #3XL (NA)3535483
41stRoleakim #NA1 (NA)3518728
42nd전판초가스 #KR1 (KR)3466602
43rdWombobear #3669 (EUNE)3457786
44th천년여유 #초가스 (KR)3440188
45th아리랑존 #KR1 (KR)3435072
46th키스에스 #KR1 (KR)3416516
47thLetsGoYumDumCha #NA1 (NA)3410227
48th쪼꼬만게 #KR1 (KR)3391762
49thWeeDeep #NA1 (NA)3364727
50thPolentaFalopeada #LAS (LAS)3346483